

在芝加哥乐博平台APP, all undergraduate students complete requirements of the 乐博平台APP核心课程, which provides a solid foundation in the liberal arts and sciences. 的 荣誉项目 offers an enhanced core curriculum experience tailored to our high-achieving undergraduate students who seek a greater academic challenge.

你会和其他学生在一个教室里, 像你这样的, are eager for an intense intellectual experience with deeper levels of inquiry, and you'll study with faculty who have heightened expectations of student work and engagement. Your Honors participation will also show up in official college transcripts, giving you a leg up when you market yourself after graduation.



第一步是申请乐博平台APP. 招生部门会审查每一份荣誉申请. 如果你符合条件, you will receive an invitation to join the 荣誉项目 with your admissions letter.

如果你没有马上收到邀请,也不用担心! 所有得3分的学生.5 Columbia GPA or higher are also eligible to enroll in Honors classes. If you believe your records support admissions into the 荣誉项目, or if you have questions about taking an Honors course in your first semester at Columbia, 联系 荣誉@tupuoiconlamagia.net.

转学生有资格获得荣誉. 然而, because Honors courses fulfill Core (or "general education") requirements, and because transfer students have often completed a substantial number of these credits, you may need to work with college advising to meet 荣誉项目 requirements as a transfer student. 如果你是低年级学生,你可以拿优等生 本科生研究指导计划 course to fulfill up to three credit hours toward the requirement. 


To receive the 荣誉项目 研究生 distinction at Columbia College Chicago, you must:

  • Complete the required number of Honors course credits (*provided below)
  • 毕业时累积GPA不低于3分.5  


Columbia College Chicago 荣誉项目 is inclusive of those students who would like to pursue ‘荣誉项目 研究生’ distinction and have earned transferable college-level credit prior to their first term of Columbia enrollment. 大学学分包括:大学先修课程(AP)、大学水平考试计划(CLEP)、国际A-Level国际文凭(IB), military credit, and transferable post-secondary coursework.

For students who have earned prior to their first term of Columbia enrollment:

  • 0 - 15 transferable credits: at least 15 Honors credits must be completed.
  • 16 - 30 transferable credits: at least 12 Honors credits must be completed.
  • 31 - 75 transferable credits: at least 9 Honors credits must be completed.


的 collaborative opportunities that come with being a part of the 荣誉项目 aren't just found in the classroom. Honors students are eligible to live on Honors-only floors in our residence halls, which also have resident assistants who are in the 荣誉项目 too.

Honors students also are invited to attend exclusive social events and educational trips around the city, 参加校园荣誉活动, and study and socialize in the exclusive 荣誉项目 Lounge.  


  • 学术和智力挑战: Honors courses provide engaging and academically challenging opportunities for all students. 班级致力于包容性的学术卓越.
  • 权力与特权的审讯: Honors courses provide spaces where students can question how factors including race, class, 性别, 残疾, 种族影响着文化和知识.
  • 自主学习: Honors courses provide opportunities for students to further develop their own areas of interest through independent and self-directed projects.
  • 小班授课: Honors courses provide robust mentorship from faculty instructors and, 在很多情况下, more involvement with faculty members’ scholarly and creative interests.
  • 学术团体: Honors courses provide academic and professional development through an expectation of collaboration, 研究, 以及跨学科的工作.


Many Honors courses are developed by full-time faculty members in the School of 文科和理科, with course material drawn from their 研究 and scholarly interests. Here is a small sample of the exciting courses you can take as an 荣誉 student at Columbia:

  • 美国城市的历史
    本课程探讨美国教育发展的历史.S. 作为一个城市国家. It analyzes the rise and decline of various urban systems that developed over the course of American history. 学生调查社会, 经济, 政治, 技术, and demographic trends that have shaped the modern American city.
  • 电影文学
    This class concerns the relationship between written and filmed versions of a story, novel, or play. 课程探讨了性格的发展, 情节, 叙述, 符号, 语言被从文本翻译成电影.
  • 古生物野外观察与方法
    This five-week summer course provides a hands-on introduction to paleontology field methods, 包括化石勘测, 识别, and collection during a two-week field expedition to the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona.
  • 全球变化科学
    This course examines the idea of global environmental change and the mechanisms by which global change occurs. Combining Earth history with modern Earth processes (Earth systems), the class explores changes in the physical environment like plate movement and climate change, and changes in the biological environment like evolution and extinction.
  • 本科生研究指导计划(URMI)

    的 本科生研究指导计划(URMI) connects talented students with junior or senior standing who are interested in conducting academic 研究 with faculty members involved in scholarly projects in their areas of expertise. Honors URMI courses can be taken for up to three credit hours toward the 荣誉项目 requirement.


Are you a current Columbia student who is in the 荣誉项目 or wants to learn more? 参观 荣誉课程页面.
